In order to record attendance at an event we ask our participants to bring a scannable barcode on the day. This is scanned after they have crossed the finish line.
Our global policy is "No barcode, no time, no exception" and it is important that all events abide by this rule.
When people register for parkrun they are directed to their barcode, which includes guidance that they must present it in order to receive a result.
Bringing a scannable barcode has been a fundamental part of parkrun since 2009, and allows us to produce accurate results, shortly after each event, and at no cost to the participants.
To access your parkrun profile, sign in at
Once signed in click on Barcode to print it or download to an electronic device.
What are some of the other reasons we ask for a ‘scannable’ barcode?
- We always include people’s names on their barcodes, and this helps to build connections and communities.
- The scannable barcodes have “In Case of Emergency” (ICE) data. Having the name and ICE details readily accessible allows us to use this information if needed to help keep participants safe.
What if someone brings their scannable barcode but it won’t scan?
It is absolutely OK for volunteers to write down and manually enter barcodes that won't scan. The barcode may be muddy, sweaty, scrunched, or the scanner won’t read it.
If the person has their barcode, the volunteer can add their name, but the parkrunner should be asked to bring a scannable barcode for future events.
Can I participate without a barcode?
Yes, but you won't appear in the results table.
If you cross the finish line please take a finish position token, as leaving the finish funnel without collecting a token can affect our results.
Please remember to return the token to a volunteer before leaving.